Thursday, January 08, 2009


Almost a year since i signed in........doubt if theres anyone out there anymore.....tonight life sucks....whatever

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


We just buried Bear. She is the last of the dynasty. The childhood pets have all died. Monkey died last Jan, followed by Daisy March of '07...and now Bear. Bear was Dane's dog. She was 15 1/2 years old. She obviously had a long life, but we are still very sad. No pets can ever replace these three.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Is there anybody out there???

LOL...I kinda forgot about blogging for awhile. Not sure if it's worth posting anything again or not. Yo...ecoli.....gratz on getting married...gonna have to check out your facebook. I didn't check my blogs in fav's to see if anyone else still does this.
Been spending ALOT of time on World of Warccraft. Got 2 level 70's...didn't realize they took even more time once they were leveled...
Nick is growing like a weed...boys are ...well, boyz will be them!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's November?

Wow....time flies, huh?

Well, Stacey died Sept.2.

Everything else is pretty much the same. Nck is being a little fussy right now so I guess I'll actually update later.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Well...first off.....MY CAT CAME BACK!!!!! After 10 days of living in the cornfield, Ryan found her and brought her back home. She hasn't changed from living in the wild for that long. I know this is going to sound weird....but I know that this is God's mercy. I prayed that I know this is a small thing, but asked God to take care of her and let her be found. I am so happy.
Ryan found her on Friday a week ago. On that same Friday, Stacey called the pool to tell us she was back in the hospital. She was having some troubles the end of June and went to the doctor. They discovered she had cancer, but told her it was slow moving. 2 weeks ago she started having more trouble and when she went in last week it was to have her bile ducts opened again. Well, a CT scan showed that she had a 4 inch tumor on her liver that wasn't there when the did the neuroscan just 2 weeks ago! She has several tumors on her liver and in front of her pancreas. The beginning of the week they were giving her vitamin K shots to bring her blood count up so she could go to her appt. at John Hopkins on Thurs. Thurs. she was too unstable to transport, the oncologist from both hospitals conferred.....and they gave her 3 days!!! She was just at the pool last week. It is like way too much to digest right now. Crazy....she was tired a lot this summer, but never really "looked" sick or acted sick. It just has happened so fast. She is a coach for summer and winter swim teams and Swim America, so a lot of kids are going to be affected by this. Only a miracle could save her now.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

This pic is over a year old. She was such a part of my life, but I didn't even take pictures of her. I sure hope she comes back today and isn't hurt. I cry everytime I think about her out in the rain possible hurt.

Anyway, I am going to make my blog private. If you read this blog and want to continue to do so, so let me know inthe comment field and I'll allow you. It's just I don't know who all reads this and it's too weird writing things with that in mind. I won't change it to private for a week or so. Thanks.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Damn screen was popped last night husband said. So she musta fell out the window and we didn't know. Anyway--I searched for her and called and she didn't come...If something happened to her I don't want anymore pets--ever. Sick of everything dying. I'm done.


Ok...This is gonna be the last straw...
My cat NEVER goes outside. She is missing. I searched the house and her brother (from same litter) is acting like he is looking for her. It might be something minor---but if she is gone....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Good Morning

I don't need an alarm clock. It was light out as I was sticking a pacifier in Nick's little mouth to try to catch a few more moments of sleep. It was only a few minutes after seven when we came down to the kitchen to make a morning bottle. That's late for some, I know, but BN (Before Nick) time I had a difficult time being up by 9:00.
One of the first things I did this morning was to read Ian's blog. I don't ever want to fall so far behind in reading his blog again. This weekend I decided to scroll til I discovered when he came home--it was the end of April!
Today it made me think of what a total difference there is between the lives of people who live Christ-centered and those who don't. That family is going through so much, (to say the least), and they are still an inspiration to thousands. `Last night our neighbor got drunk (once again) and called the police on my sons because he said their fire was casting ash on his boat cover. So this morning my thoughts were on looking out the window and noticing there are no ashes on his boat cover.....We could get caught up in the trivia. Nick is fussing, so I'll have to finish this thought later.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) Reminders

Last night I was reminded why I started this blog 15 months ago. It was to celebrate the life of my three sons. I remember the first entries being very careful to only post positive comments. Then I went through a slump and didn't post much. I love my sons more than life itself.
Please remember the Haughery family in your prayers these coming weeks. In fact, here is the link to both the blogs I used to read on here. These blogs both kept me grounded on remembering the good things that happen on a daily basis and realizing that my "bad" is miniscual compared to others.
I have a lot to celebrate.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Well, WoW is down so I have a few minutes to post--lol. I finally have a mount. Haven't got to use it much, but I'm hoping to level faster now that I can get to places faster. Still haven't done SM, so I'm thinking I should probably be able to solo it when I turn 46 (have about 4 bars to go-right now I'm in Tanaris doing some quests so hoping to be able to level up again tonight and maybe hit SM).

On with real life....

Dane had his homeschool evaluation yesterday, went well....he's ready to be a Senior. We just need to find some tiome to decide what kind of classes he is going to take next year. Cory seems to be liking his new job. He's been spending his weekends at the shore so he is really getting dark. Ryan has been working about 60 hours a he is able to pay most of his bills, but hasn't been able to save for college in fall.
Pic is of Ryan and Nick on Ryan's 21st birthday.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

"It" Just doesn't end...

Now__define "it" LOL
Was in ER for several hours Thurs. night...Cory has pneumonia (no insurance mind you)....
Washer broke right before Grandpa died..I was only able to get a new one ordered today, won't be here til Thurs (7 people going to laundromat)...
Grandpa's dead...
Dane's dog might be dying (doesn't get up ay all...same age as Daisy)...
One of the people living in our house is to be on meds for bi-polar, etc, and that person hasn't been taking is very volatile, etc....
So---LOL_---I have been playing HOURS upon HOURS of World of Warcraft (was up all night leveling up)....anyone who reads this and is a buff...give me hints.....I am a level 37 (almost 38) night elf hunter. I got tons of "stuff: to do...laundry, basic clean, fix pond, portfolio, swim team stuff....and the list goes on...but WoW is so...rewarding? lol
Will post pics laterz...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I HATE Death

I have always had a problem with death.....I think it sucks and is unfair.....
We buried Grandpa yesterday.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Daisy died

I don't blog much anymore because I origonally wanted this to be an update for cyber friends....but, I wanted it to be upbeat, and maybe even inspirational.....but then, I realized that there were some real time friends reading that kinda changed everything, too.

Anyways, life has its ups and downs everyday, and Daisy dying is a real downer. She has been with our family for 14 1/2 years.....even Ryan cried.

Monday, March 05, 2007

March pics

Nick at 6 weeks
More Dane in Switzerland.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Dane's trip to Switzerland seems to have taken a back burner with the birth of Nick, so I decided it was about time to post some of his pics. He spent most of his time in Switzerland, but I think his most memorable run was down the French Alps.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Being a Grandmom is awesome

"No matter how or why, being a grandmom is awesome." That's what a friend wrote on a beautiful bouquet of flowers she sent me the day Nicholas was born. He will be three weeks on Friday and growing like a weed.
This is a pic of me holding Nick in the hospital.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Our Week

Wow....What an eventful week. Last Friday we had the joy of a baby being born into the family. Then, on Saturday, Dane left for 9 days in Switzerland. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday nights we were blessed with the baby (and his parents) being here. Sunday Monkey disappeared, Thursday he returned again extremely dehydrated and under weight, Friday he went to the vet, and he died early Saturday morning. Very, very sad day in our household. He was Cory's companion for 12 years. Today, Cory adopted a lhasa apso. He can't replace Monkey, but he wanted a furry animal to come home to after a day at work. Tomorrow I go to the airport to pick Dane up. And Wednesday Pooh Bear gets fixed, and Biggie gets the final operation on his leg. Wow....

Monkey Died

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Think too much....

Brittany says I think too much.....

JOY! Monkey has returned....actually he never left. Monkey is Corys 12 year old cat. He disappeared Sunday and by last night we were fearing the worse since he is never gone more than 24 hours at a time. As I was laying on the sofa with Nick I was praying that God bring Monkey back tonight if he is still alive....and Cory woke up in the AM to find that Monkey had been hiding on the "other side" of the basement!!! (scarey place the other side....). Apparaently he isn't feeling well, lost some weight for sure. the thinking has to do with a young man who is in a coma. Right now he has sores in his mouth...and people are praying for them to disappear. I am so grateful that God answered my prayer for a cat, but then I think that maybe all my efforts should be given to people. Hard to explain what I mean, maybe I'll come back to this post later. In the meantime, heres a pic of Cory with Monkey taken about a year ago.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

More pics of Nick

Nicholas Harold

New parents Ryan and Ashley with their bundle of joy.

Nick with Uncle Cory.

Nick with Uncle Dane.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Nicolas is Here!!!

Born 1/19/07 at 6:48 weighing 7.5 lbs and 20 3/4 inches long.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Life sucks

Biggie is still recovering. Ashley is still pregnant. We didn't go to Williamsburg this year.
We all seem to be in a huge slump. Even though I have pics and things are happening, I really don't feel like posting. Stop back again.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I am thankful for my health and the health of my family, and I always want to keep that in mind.
Biggie was back at vet today and he is going to need more surgery. Already his bill is over $2,500.00. It's just overwhelming right now. He still can't stand. His medical costs aremounting and I am already at my limit for charging. Ryan's baby is coming. He wants to go back to college....too much to think about right now...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

another week from hell....

Gee...This has been some fall....Last Sunday Biggie (one of our one year old kitties) got out of the house. We called and called. He usually comes back within an hour or two, but this time he didn't.Monday evening (after calling for him all day) I opened the front door and he was on the sidewalk. He couldn't make it up the step. He had gotten hit and apparently crawled up to the house. We took him down to the vet right away. They x-rayed him and found he had a crushed pelvis, dislocated hip, and several fractures. Plus, he was urinating all over the place. He was, of course, admitted. Tuesday we were in limbo the whole day not knowing what was going to happen. It would be useless to operate if there would be no bladder or bowel control. By Wed. afternoon they decided that he had bladder control. Because he couldn't move he urinated on himself. They operated on Fri. He has a plate on his pelvis, his leg socket is stitched back in place. They opened up the other side, but decided not to operate on that fracture. Monday he came home. He's not doing well. He cries in pain, can't get up, urinates on himself. But, after I gave him his meds thismorning, he purred for about 5 min. before he drifted to sleep.

Also last week Ryan got swollen glands worse than the doctor had ever seen befroe. He was in pain for days! and needs to go back tomorrow to make sure it was just swollen glands. Cory had an accident at work with his utility knife and needed stitches. He is supposed to be off til next Monday, but his stitches fell out and the doctor saw him back and left him go back to work today. What a week .... again...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Week from hell

Ugh...Sat. my washer broke and the repairman couldn't come til Thurs...minor, I know....

Sunday night my Grandfather fell out of bed and the ambulance had to come and take him to the hospital..not so minor...lots of ups and downs with what is wrong, but as of today he is still in hospital, but in rehab. to be able to come home...

Wed. morning oldest son's car won't start...he just put 450 bucks into it for inspection less than 2 weeks ago...can't put any more into that car...minor I know, but now he has to save money for a car, have someone take him to work, and of course theres a baby coming.....

Wed. evening middle son is working on a project at home (a surprise for me) and a wood chip flies in his eye....ends up being a scratched cornea, vision was so bad doc wanted to see him back to make sure it cleared up....everything is working out ok for him...he got a migraine from it yesterday and is still taking vicodin for the pain....

Thurs. husband is in a head on collision with a guy that had drugs pumped from his stomach, drugs in the car, and had just got out of jail 2 weeks ago...kinda major....hubby is ok, missed a day of work, but only has we are fortunate there, but...the guy had no insurance, so we get nothing for a car---also kinda major...

So...last week we went to the laundromat a LOT...went from 5 cars to three cars...went to the hospital almost daily....but, health wise it seems everything is working out....just kinda depressing all the stuff

Monday, October 09, 2006

ACK!! What have I done????

LOL..well, I do lots of things on a "whim". Saturday, on the spur of the moment, I decided to go to Holiday Hair and get a hair, when I get a haircut--it's noticeable--lol. I went from long, staight hair, parted in the middle, to a little above shoulder length, layered, bangs, no Saturday and part of Sunday everytime my husband and youngest son looked at me the "laughed" wasn't to make fun, just like "wow--that's different".
So...on to my real story...Thursday when I took my son to class I wilded away the time at AC Moore like I always do, except this time I handed in an application for employment. Sunday morning someone called and asked me to come in today at 1:00. At the interview I told them I couldn't work Tues and Thurs. and that I didn't want to work a lot on the weekend, and I only wanted to work til, when I got in the door the phone was ringing...they want me to work M, W, F, Sat 10-5....I told them I could start this week--lol. I haven't even told husband I applied for a job!!!!....
What have I done????

Monday, October 02, 2006

CODE RED's been a week of minor league baseball. Sat. night we went with youngest youth group, Wed. night we went to the final game of the Play-Offs and last night we were at the final game of the Atlantic Championships---which the Barnstormers won!!! (Actually, I am not a baseball fan....). Now that baseball is over for the year maybe I can get back to cleaning my house--lol. Friday I did get the living room rearranged..


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

sPiRiT oF pRoPhEcY BuLLeTiN 9/27/06

Small Straws In A Soft Wind
by Marsha Burns
September 27, 2006: Listen quietly for My still small voice, for I will speak to your heart and bring very clear direction. I say again, listen quietly, for you cannot hear Me when you are in chaos and turmoil. You cannot be in fear and trust Me at the same time, says the Lord. Decide now to move into that place of calm and resolute trust, and I will stabilize you right here and now and give you the necessary instructions to move on.
Isaiah 30:21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left.

That's today's that AFTER we had chaos and turmoil with the F word flying around like its the only adverb and adjective. There is so much turmoil stirring in my heart right now that I can't even pray for peace.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

sPiRiT oF pRoPhEcY BuLLeTiN

The Trumpet by Bill BurnsSeptember 26, 2006: Remove the hindrance of your own thoughts and accusations so that I may move you into kingdom position. Those who I call I equip, and those who I equip I bring the revelation of the times and seasons so that you may speak those heavenly things. But, you must remove the limitations that you have inadvertently established for yourself. Raise the standard. Break the bronze gates that the enemy has placed before you, and come forth. I have not called you for nothing. I want to expand your horizons that I might open to you the fullness of your destiny in order to bring you into your kingdom position. The enemy has lied to you to tempt you to discount yourself. Roll back the limitations and put on faith. Then, come forth, says the Lord.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha BurnsSeptember 26, 2006: Beloved, I tell you honestly (for I am God who cannot lie) that I am with you! I know what you have gone through and what you are currently facing. Refuse to be overwhelmed with the things that you must consider at this time, but rather be My brave-heart, and yield totally to the moving of My Spirit. For, certainly, I will move you to a place closer to Me where you will abide in peace. Trust Me completely and you will come through this time with ease, says the Lord.
2 Corinthians 13:11 Finally, brethren, farewell. Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
Subscribe to Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin

Friday, September 22, 2006

Small Straws in a sOFT wIND

Decided to take a break and check my email. Recently I have been ignoring my Small Straws email, but I read it today and really need to take it to heart ...especially remembering that I do not want to create division in my house.

Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin
Small Straws In A Soft Wind
by Marsha Burns
September 22, 2006: Do not be surprised when you find yourself challenged by the attitudes and behaviors of those around you. This will be a test of your tolerance and give you an opportunity to decide whether they are your business or not. Exercise kindness and gentleness in your responses to others, and leave the rest to Me, says the Lord. You have the power to create either division or unity by whether you value those around you or not. Stay alert!
Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.Subscribe to Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin

Depressing House

Long story short---house needs work, gonna work.....lots of cleaning and lots of projects---this is a pic of the unfinished bathroom...depressed yet?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Work Week (Month)

GRRRRRR.... I do NOT like when things don't work, and this is now the third time I tried to post today :(
Anyways....this is for all my online friends that I "chat" with. Thought I would show you the progress of my projects...or lack thereof.....Today I finally got around to sanding off the joint compound I used to patch where the drywall ripped from taking the old ceramic tile down (breath)...and...I didn't patch low enough. So I have to head down to the store to get a patch before I can proceed (and that'll mean more compound and more drying time which means more chance to procrastinate).
Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

O M G !!!!!!

When I walked into Ryan's room this morning and saw his head sticking out from under his covers my first reaction was " Oh my God--What did you do?"
He was half asleep and asked if I saw his not on the door (he leaves me messages on the front door during the night for me to see when I come down the stairs in the morning). His note continues, ".. Also, my hair needs to be finished. The trimmer died. Don't let me oversleep. Love, Ryan"
After he woke up I took the razor to his head and evened it up. He likes it and that's what is important. Ryan- no matter what length your hair, "I'll love you forever."

Monday, September 04, 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

I decided to delete the lyrics to this song....
Songs can really affect your mood ;)
I've aready prayed that Eminem becomes a Christian--lol.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Wow!!! I can't believe it's been over two months since I wrote here. I have a lot of catching up to do....Cory graduated, swim team is well under way, Cory, Dane and I just got from Maine, and Ryan is going to be a dad! Like I I got tons of pictures to post...gonna put them on out of order and stick some from Maine up first. We had a great time--had lobster 7 out of 9 nights!!!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Barnstormer Game Posted by Picasa

Kids at BarnStormer Fireworks. They won! Posted by Picasa