Friday, September 22, 2006

Small Straws in a sOFT wIND

Decided to take a break and check my email. Recently I have been ignoring my Small Straws email, but I read it today and really need to take it to heart ...especially remembering that I do not want to create division in my house.

Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin
Small Straws In A Soft Wind
by Marsha Burns
September 22, 2006: Do not be surprised when you find yourself challenged by the attitudes and behaviors of those around you. This will be a test of your tolerance and give you an opportunity to decide whether they are your business or not. Exercise kindness and gentleness in your responses to others, and leave the rest to Me, says the Lord. You have the power to create either division or unity by whether you value those around you or not. Stay alert!
Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.Subscribe to Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin


borgie said...

:-) Hi Sammi this is eColi, i like the posting abbout straws in soft wind(did i get it right?) anyways, how true not all the time we will like the people surrounding us,i can attest to that.but yes,our character is tested by God.

Post the finish product of your project soon okay?

God bless u and kids!

eColi :-)

borgie said...

Sammmmmmm how are you doing now? and kids too? miss chatting in cti and to you.hope things are fine with you :-)smileeeeee

keep the Faith!

love yah,