Tuesday, November 28, 2006

another week from hell....

Gee...This has been some fall....Last Sunday Biggie (one of our one year old kitties) got out of the house. We called and called. He usually comes back within an hour or two, but this time he didn't.Monday evening (after calling for him all day) I opened the front door and he was on the sidewalk. He couldn't make it up the step. He had gotten hit and apparently crawled up to the house. We took him down to the vet right away. They x-rayed him and found he had a crushed pelvis, dislocated hip, and several fractures. Plus, he was urinating all over the place. He was, of course, admitted. Tuesday we were in limbo the whole day not knowing what was going to happen. It would be useless to operate if there would be no bladder or bowel control. By Wed. afternoon they decided that he had bladder control. Because he couldn't move he urinated on himself. They operated on Fri. He has a plate on his pelvis, his leg socket is stitched back in place. They opened up the other side, but decided not to operate on that fracture. Monday he came home. He's not doing well. He cries in pain, can't get up, urinates on himself. But, after I gave him his meds thismorning, he purred for about 5 min. before he drifted to sleep.

Also last week Ryan got swollen glands worse than the doctor had ever seen befroe. He was in pain for days! and needs to go back tomorrow to make sure it was just swollen glands. Cory had an accident at work with his utility knife and needed stitches. He is supposed to be off til next Monday, but his stitches fell out and the doctor saw him back and left him go back to work today. What a week .... again...


Anonymous said...

What a sweet kitty!!! It's so lucky to have you! My parents hate cats, so I never had one when I was growing up. Whenever a cat came on tv I would always say "Oh look at the cute kitty" just to make them mad! lol
love, Pain

borgie said...


While reading and scrolling down I thought its a human being in the pic and when i saw a kitten i smiled but later sympathize to u bcz I too is an animal lover.When i was a kid when my dog is hit by a car and died i really cried.i am always concern if my dogs have water,if they can move freely thu they are tied up.I love animals. I feel sorry for ur cute kitten,I pray he can recover soon.i can imagine how hurt ur cat is hu hu hu to the person who hit him! I hope he wont do it again and God bless that person.
