Tuesday, September 12, 2006

O M G !!!!!!

When I walked into Ryan's room this morning and saw his head sticking out from under his covers my first reaction was " Oh my God--What did you do?"
He was half asleep and asked if I saw his not on the door (he leaves me messages on the front door during the night for me to see when I come down the stairs in the morning). His note continues, ".. Also, my hair needs to be finished. The trimmer died. Don't let me oversleep. Love, Ryan"
After he woke up I took the razor to his head and evened it up. He likes it and that's what is important. Ryan- no matter what length your hair, "I'll love you forever."


borgie said...
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borgie said...

Sammi pls check this cz under i sent u a message.

Sacha said...

oh my goodness! That is SO funny! There are about the 6 degrees of separation to how I got to your blog. I know Briana who knows Emily Haughery, where you left comment on. There for here I am laughing at your photos! Thanks for the laugh I needed it!

borgie said...

Sammi how are yah?thanks for rememberng me, i have some pics here bt have to scan them first. hope to chat with yah in cti

takecare hope colds will go away soon.
